Vaginal moisturizing gel promoting tissue moisture and elasticity.

What is it?

Idracare® is a highly efficient vaginal moisturizing gel due to its hyaluronic acid and 100% natural ingredients. Its unique and innovative composition combines a high concentration of hyaluronic acid with an innovative niosomal technology promoting tissue moisture and elasticity by easing penetration into the vaginal epithelium’s deep layers and extending its moisturizing effect. It also includes prebiotics and Aloe Vera.

How can it help you?

Vaginal moisturizers such as Idracare® are indicated for those experiencing decreased vaginal secretion, which is more common than people think and may be caused by diverse reasons. 

Idracare® can be a great ally against this change in vaginal secretions due to its ingredients and unique and innovative composition using niosomes — a cutting-edge encapsulation technology which helps to better reach the vaginal epithelium’s deeper cell layers — increasing bioavailability and ingredient preservation, along with three active ingredients:

Active ingredients

Hyaluronic Acid

Hyaluronic acid improves skin and mucous membranes moisture, elasticity and firmness, avoiding ageing and enhancing tissue quality.
In the field of regenerative gynecology, vaginal hyaluronic acid is used to treat vaginal dryness, significantly higher during menopause and perimenopause due to the genital atrophy caused by estrogen deficit, but also during postpartum as well as in patients using hormonal contraceptives. 
This is also used as a treatment for dyspareunia or pain with intercourse, as well as for vulvar dermatosis. 
Hyaluronic acid concentration is key for an efficient moisturizing effect and the technology used for getting it into the deepest vaginal mucous membrane layers is vital. Therefore, the 2% of hyaluronic acid niosomes make Idracare® a unique product.


BioEcolia® is a prebiotic that protects and balances the vaginal microbiota, promoting selective growth of normal microbiota and inhibiting pathogenic bacteria prevalence that can cause vaginal infections.

Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera adds its well-known moisturizing,
emollient and restoring properties to Idracare®

Ácido hialurónico

El Ácido hialurónico mejora la hidratación, elasticidad y firmeza de piel y mucosas, evitando también el envejecimiento de la misma y mejorando la calidad del tejido. 
En el ámbito de la ginecología regenerativa, el ácido hialurónico vaginal se utiliza para tratar la sequedad vaginal, más llamativa en la menopausia y perimenopausia por la atrofia genital debida al déficit de estrógenos, pero también presente en el postparto y en pacientes que usan anticonceptivos hormonales. 
También se usa  como tratamiento para la dispareunia o dolor con las relaciones sexuales, así como en el tratamiento de las dermatosis vulvares
La concentración de ácido hialurónico utilizado es clave para  su eficacia hidratante y la tecnología que se utilice para conseguir que penetre en las capas profundas de la mucosa vaginal es determinante, por lo que un 2% de niosomas de ácido hialurónico, hacen de Idracare un producto único en su categoría.


La BioEcolia®, un prebiótico que protege y equilibra la microbiota vaginal, favoreciendo el crecimiento selectivo de la microbiota normal, inhibiendo de esta manera la prevalencia de las bacterias patógenas que pueden causar infecciones vaginales.

Aloe Vera

El Aloe Vera añade a la
composición de Idracare®
sus conocidas propiedades
hidratantes, emolientes y

Around 80% of moisturizing capacity.  

Improvement in vaginal dryness, elasticity, epithelium integrity and moisture.

Of women experienced improvement in pain relief during intercourse (dyspareunia).

Of patients maintained or improved their vaginal pH levels.

Of users were satisfied or very satisfied with Idracare® after 3 months.

Who is this for?

While vulvovaginal dryness is usually connected to menopause (known as Genitourinary Syndrome of Menopause), half the female population will experience vaginal dryness at some point in their lives, and in many cases, when they are young. Such lack of moisture impacts sexual relations, causing pain and discomfort.

There are various causes leading to vaginal dryness. The most common one is due to the hormonal changes experienced by women throughout their lives (menopause, menstrual cycles, pregnancy, breastfeeding…), or cases of amenorrhea (absent menstruation) especially affecting high-level female athletes or women with eating disorders. This decrease in vaginal secretions also usually occurs with the use of oral or vaginal contraceptives.

Lack of moisture can also be due to non-hormonal causes, such as regular alcohol and tobacco use, certain antibiotics intake, periods with higher anxiety, stress or depression, aggressive medical treatments like radiation therapy, or inadequate vaginal hygiene and health habits, like regular use of panty liners during non-period days, tampons or sanitary towels with irritating chemicals, very tight clothing, or vaginal douching.

All these factors can alter both the pH and vaginal mucous membranes, resulting in irritation and itching, as well as dyspareunia or pain during intercourse. However, regular use of vaginal moisturizers provide symptomatic relief by changes in the vaginal epithelium’s fluid content, helping to prevent all those alterations thanks to its water storing capacity, as with hyaluronic acid. Moisturizers must be used on a regular basis, at least once per week.

What is vulvovaginal atrophy?

(Genitourinary syndrome of menopause)

The Genitourinary Syndrome of Menopause (formerly known as vulvovaginal atrophy) is responsible for vaginal dryness and/or pain during intercourse (dyspareunia). This condition has an impact on the quality life of more than 50% of women in perimenopause or menopause.

Throughout the menopause transition, ovaries gradually stop producing estrogen and progesterone, the female sexual hormones. A woman is considered to reach menopause when she has gone 1 entire year without a menstrual period. However, changes and symptoms start some years earlier and this may include, mood changes, trouble concentrating, trouble sleeping, hot flashes and/or night sweats, menstruation changes (length, amount of bleeding, time between periods) and vaginal dryness.

In this sense, a group of experts from the Spanish Society of Gynecology and Obstetrics (SEGO) published a set of recommendations on prevention and treatment of vulvovaginal atrophy recommending vaginal moisturizing gels containing hyaluronic acid as the treatment of choice for women with mild-to-severe symptoms resulting from the Genitourinary Syndrome of Menopause. These moisturizers, such as Idracare®, can be used during sexual activity, reducing related pain with intercourse. The rest of the society’s recommendation can be found here.

It is also important to prevent risk factors accelerating a decrease in estrogen, which means making some lifestyle changes: giving up smoking, doing more exercise and preventing obesity.

On the other hand, sexually active women usually experience less symptoms related to vulvovaginal atrophy. A higher number of sexual relations is connected to better tissue elasticity and lubrication thanks to an increase in vascularization due to mechanical stimulation.

What is the difference between a
moisturizer and a vaginal lubricant?

Vaginal moisturizers (like Idracare®) are usually water-based and aimed at rehydrating tissue, preserving vaginal moisture by improving tissue quality. They are designed for being used on a regular basis and included in care routines, promoting long-term moisture. On the other hand, lubricants (like Libicare® Intimate Gel) are products conceived for acting at short-term during sexual relations. They are usually oil-based, and their role centers around creating a sliding coating promoting penetration during intercourse and reducing pain and injure risks.

In the case of Libicare Intimate Gel, several natural ingredients which have been clinically proven for increasing private area sensitivity and successfully achieving sexual climax are also added. This provides a more pleasant sexual experience. click here to know more about it

Vaginal moisturizers and lubricants are made for different purposes, however their use can be combined. Although vaginal moisturizers like Idracare® also ease sexual relations because they keep tissues properly moisturized, it may be best to use a specific product for each scenario.

How to use

It is recommended to apply twice a week, as indicated in the illustrations, for at least 3 months, but it can be used consistently to maintain an adequate vaginal moisture. This improves sexual relations, reducing pain during intercourse and allows the simultaneous use of preservatives.

An application is recommended
two (2) times a week.

for a minimum of 3 months

Se recomienda una aplicación
dos (2) veces a la semana, durante un minimo de 3 meses de forma continuada

Idracare 30 mL

Idracare Monodosis

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